最新產品 New Products

經驗驗配各類型的老花隱形眼鏡,如下 : 強生 , 博士倫 , Alcon , Cooper Vision.

Contact lens with Presbyopia correction 
We carry the following multi-focal contacat lens :
 Johnson and Johnson 1 day moist multi-focal
 Bausch & Lomb 1 day Bioture multi-focal
 Alcon Dailies multi-focal
 Cooper Proclear 1 day multi-focal
 Cooper Clariti 1 day multi-focal 
 Bausch & Lomb Soflens 2 weeks multi-focal
 Bausch & Loom PV2 monthly multi-focal
 Alcon AirOptix monthly multi-focal
 Cooper Biofinity monthly multi-focal
We will help you to find a right lenses to suit your lifestyle.